We offer the following car detailing and valeting services. Click one of the links below to find out more.
Please note: prices shown may vary depending on the severity of the condition and size of your vehicle.
We also offer a business specific service for our corporate clients. Click to find out more about our business programme.
Mini Valet

This valet covers the basics of the exterior and interior of the car and takes 1.5-2 hours to complete.
Standard Valet

This valet includes our Mini Valet with extra attention added onto the exterior including a hand polish. This particular valet will take two-three hours to complete and extra available options include clay barring, Autoglym High Definition Wax and fabric hood cleaning.
Full Interior Valet

This is an intense valet on the interior only. Fully cleaning it top to bottom. Ideal if you've had spillages, vomit or even kids sitting in the back! The interior valet takes two-three hours to complete.
Full Showroom Valet

Our Full Showroom Valet is ideal if your looking to sell your car, just bought a car or a general real good tidy up. Covering the whole vehicle top to bottom, this valet takes 3 - 5 hours to complete.
Machine Polishing

Machine polishing is an effective way of restoring your vehicles paintwork to its former glory.
By machine polishing, we can remove swirl marks, scratches, bird etching or any other defects that are found on your vehicles paintwork.
Autoglym High Definition Wax

Autoglym's high definition wax represents a major step forward in product advancement and combines the ultimate finish with the ultimate in protection.
Fabric Hood Cleaning

The appearance and enjoyment of owning a sporty cabriolet can be spoilt by allowing the hood to become grimy and water absorbent. mmvaleting have developed an easy two stage service to clean and preserve fabric hoods.
One Day Detail

Our Full One Day detail has been put together as the ideal service for those wanting their vehicles prepared to concourse condition, protected and maintained.
Ceramic Coatings

Matrix Blue is a ceramic coating using the latest generation technology to provide shine, definition, superhydrophobicity and dirt repellence for up to 3 years.